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Destination:Design #TheSlaughtersInn

A few weeks ago I was treated to a delightful break to celebrate our wedding anniversary and my birthday (which are only one day apart!), and while I'd driven past the Cotswolds several times, I had never actually stayed long enough to discover it's charm. So off we went, hubby baby L and I, along with one of our dogs Sky. Think about beautiful English countryside with stone built houses in the most unexpected corners and lots of greenery that go on as far as the eye can see, and lovely charming canals in between them with colourful pots of flowers. So refreshing to see! We stayed at The Slaughters Country Inn, in Lower Slaughter which was near Stow-on-the-Wold and...

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Dream Kitchen: 5 must haves

On Sunday Baby L and I took a trip to Ikea in search of some practical stuff mainly storage for small spaces such as my entrance hall and customisable frames (post to come!). We walked through the kitchen set ups and all I could think is that it's all very good to have shiny new units, but without adding a touch of character and personality you would not get the dream kitchen you may have dreamt of. Last week I talked about displaying art in the kitchen (here) and that is definitely one of my top 5 must haves in any dream kitchen. So I am now inspired to share my other 4 must haves to get you there... A cooker you...

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Just found this, and I love it!  

Don't you just love that feeling when you've been looking for something perfect for your room, and after weeks of looking you suddenly find it? Oh I do, and that is why I needed to share this!  While shopping for accessories for my lounge, I have come across one of Joss and Main's sales and found the coolest canvas wall art. It has the white background and the gold detailing, it suits our personality perfectly. I just needed to order it straight away!     Other cool ones I'd buy from the same sale...        The sale is still on for the next 15 hours but if you miss it you could always check the artist's website for the full...

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Think outside the box #inthekitchen

#artinthekitchen #inthekitchen #bringyourroomtolife One of the things I love is to add wall art and features to unexpected places at home. Now think of all the time spent in the kitchen, it really does deserve the extra love and attention. That's why thinking outside the box in the kitchen really pays off. Believe me, it will make any kitchen look extra special and act as great conversation starters during those dinner parties! At the Ideal Home Show in London in March I loved Sophie Robinson's idea of framing a set of shelves with paint to create a display. Super easy to achieve and adds a special touch. If you have the wall space, I say go for it! You can also...

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Home Staging in SP

While I was in Sao Paulo I have made the most of the chance to get to see what is happening interiors wise on that side of the world. I have visited Casa Conceito (@casaconceitoabc) where they specialise in planning and designing bespoke units for the whole house, and managing your project from beginning to end, delivering high spec finishes. They have a whole house staged with amazing contemporary finishes, I have walked through all of it and I am sharing my favourites below. Special thanks to Casa Conceito ABC for the amazing service.

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